Cross Original Resource Sharing

For security reasons, browsers restrict cross-origin HTTP requests initiated from scripts.

So only in the browser, we have to consider about cors.

Allow CORS

Some HTML tags

Such as <img> or <script>, they will not be restricted by browsers' cross-domain policy. But the problem is that it can't process response.


If we want to get data from other site, and the server has designed JSONP API for us, we can use it. For example:

Client side:

function jsonp(url, callback) {
    window.callback = callback;
    let script = document.createElement('script');
    script.src = url;
    document.body.insertBefore(script, document.body.lastChild);

jsonp("http://localhost:9093/jsonp", data => {
    //do something to the data got from the server

Server side (Node.js):

res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type":"application/javascript"};


If response headers include Access-Control-Allow-Methods, the browser know the server allow CORS. Such as below:

res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    "Access-Control-Allow-Headers, " +
    "Origin,Accept, " +
    "X-Requested-With, " +
    "Content-Type, " +
    "Access-Control-Request-Method, " +


Sending request to third party domain with cookies. in fetch, set credentials to include, mode to cors.

The server response headers must include Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true, if not, the client will be not allowed to access the response content.

Notice: When making credentialed requests to a different domain, third-party cookie policies will still apply. The policy is always enforced independent of any setup on the server and the client, as described in this chapter.


When cors, the client can not access all http response headers, except it's CORS-safelisted response header.

For example, if want to redirect and append location to response headers, we should append Access-Control-Expose-Headers: location first.
