273. Integer to English Words
source: https://leetcode.com/problems/integer-to-english-words/
Convert a non-negative integer num to its English words representation.
Example 1:
Input: num = 123 Output: "One Hundred Twenty Three" Example 2:
Input: num = 12345 Output: "Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Forty Five" Example 3:
Input: num = 1234567 Output: "One Million Two Hundred Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Sixty Seven"
- 英文中数字要以三位为间隔分开,每位有一个单位。
- 三位之内有自己的规则
- 注意都是0的情况
- 最大单位在十亿
* @param {number} num
* @return {string}
var numberToWords = function (num) {
if (num === 0) return 'Zero';
// 2**31- 1, 最多到2 Billion +
const units = ['Thousand', 'Million', 'Billion'];
// 数字对应规则
const numUnits = {
'0': '',
'1': 'One',
'2': 'Two',
'3': 'Three',
'4': 'Four',
'5': 'Five',
'6': 'Six',
'7': 'Seven',
'8': 'Eight',
'9': 'Nine',
'10': 'Ten',
'11': 'Eleven',
'12': 'Twelve',
'13': 'Thirteen',
'14': 'Fourteen',
'15': 'Fifteen',
'16': 'Sixteen',
'17': 'Seventeen',
'18': 'Eighteen',
'19': 'Nineteen',
'20': 'Twenty',
'30': 'Thirty',
'40': 'Forty',
'50': 'Fifty',
'60': 'Sixty',
'70': 'Seventy',
'80': 'Eighty',
'90': 'Ninety',
'100': 'Hundred',
// 解析两位数字
const doubleDigitToText = (doubleDigit) => {
const n = `${Number(doubleDigit)}`;
if (numUnits[n] !== undefined) return numUnits[n];
return `${numUnits[`${n[0]}0`]} ${numUnits[`${n[1]}`]}`;
// 解析三位数字
const threeDigitToText = (threeDigit) => {
const n = `${Number(threeDigit)}`;
if (n.length !== 3) return doubleDigitToText(n);
return `${numUnits[n[0]]} ${numUnits['100']} ${doubleDigitToText(`${n[1]}${n[2]}`)}`
// 将数字按3位拆分
const groups = `${num}`.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,").split(',');
return groups.reverse().reduce((acc, crr, index) => {
const ret = threeDigitToText(crr);
// 如果是有效数字,才能带上单位
const unit = ret ? units[index - 1] || '' : '';
return `${ret} ${unit} ${acc}`;
}, '').split(' ').filter(Boolean).join(' ');
这一题有一个国内变种,就是去整数转换中文, 中文数字更加有规律,应该是比英文简单的:
* @param {number} num
* @return {string}
var numberToWords = function (num) {
if (num === 0) return '零';
const units = ['', '万', '亿'];
const innerUnits = ['', '十', '百', '千'];
const numUnits = {
'0': '',
'1': '一',
'2': '二',
'3': '三',
'4': '四',
'5': '五',
'6': '六',
'7': '七',
'8': '八',
'9': '九',
const fourDigitToText = (digit) => {
const text = `${Number(digit)}`;
return Array.from(text).reverse().map((n, index) => {
const v = numUnits[n];
return `${v}${v ? innerUnits[index] : ''}`;
const groups = `${num}`.replace(/(\d)(?=(\d{4})+(?!\d))/g, "$1,").split(',');
return groups.reverse().reduce((acc, crr, index) => {
const text = fourDigitToText(crr);
const unit = text ? units[index] || '' : '';
return `${text}${unit}${acc}`;
}, '').split(' ').filter(Boolean).join(' ');